Molly and Agnes

Rustic Jute Layer / Organic Newborn Props

£15.00 - £25.00

Rustic Jute Layer / Organic Newborn Props

ABOUT this prop:
These gorgeous rustic layers are made of a natural jute fabric. They are beautiful layers that add an adorable texture and organic look to your photo shoot setups.

The layers measure approx 36" x 36'' (90cm x 90cm) including the fringe.
☆ More colour to be added soon ☆

Photo is use is with Neutral layer, courtesy of Sarah Mahon Photography

CARING for this prop:
These layers should be spot cleaned or carefully hand washed using warm water and a mild detergent. Avoid vigorous scrubbing, which may distort the fibres. Rinse well and gently squeeze excess water.
Reshape while damp and air dry.
Do not iron.